1. What is the visual content of this photo image? Subject content is a movie poster made up of black, blue and purple colored blocks with arm within the center of the poster.
2. Name three design elements, ingredients, that are prevalent in this photo image and explain where hey are used. Three design elements within the image are line, color and shape. The line cuts between the colored blocks. Color and shapes give the blocks give contrast between the blocks.
3. Name three design principles that are prevalent in this photo image, and explain how and where they are used. The three prevalent design principles utilized are balance, proportion and rhythm. Balance is utilized with the different blocks giving the image a symmetrical appearance. Proportion is used by the different size blocks help centering the images title. The rhythm principle also helps by bringing to the title in the center.
4. What type of color scheme is used? Is color used effectively? The color scheme used within the image is a lighter toned color scheme. The color scheme does not appear to be used effectively due to the image title is called The Man With The Golden Arm with arm being black.
5.What could be improved in this photo image to make it more visually effective? The black arm in the poster could be gold to go along more with the title.
6. What wins on this page, draws you in, catches your eye? How the different size blocks are arranged brings your attention to the title within the images center.
7. Do you like this photo image? Explain why, or why not. I do like the photo image it gives you an idea when the movie was made during the 1960’s which is now a retro look..
HAh! Found you! (just to prove I made it here....)